Curse.EU mit Lineupwechsel

25.09.2012 18:29

Die Gerüchte der vergangenen Monate bestätigen sich. Der däne Xinec und Sleper aus Litauen verlassen Team Curse und werden durch die polen Jakub ‚Creaton‘ Grzegorzewski und Piort ‚SuperAZE‘ Prokop ersetzt. Grund für die Entscheidung seien laut Team Manager Thomas ‚Flyy‘ Mihailov die enttäuschenden Ergebnisse der vergangenen Turniere.

 Statement Team Manager Thomas ‚Flyy‘ Mihailov

„We’ve been together for more than 7
months, which kind of made it hard for us to change anyone for a while,
even though we felt there was a need to do. After under-performing at
events such as Gamescom and Campus Party, we finally took the decision
to make those changes. Creaton(dotapro) and SuperAze have been for a
while one of stable bot lanes in Europe so the change was natural. I
want to wish all the best to xinec and Sleper who are unique players and
people! Hope to see them in highly competitive teams really soon.“

Statement Jakub ‚Creaton‘ Grzegorzewski

„I am very happy to join Team
Curse. My last competitive team was Acer, you could see me playing on
events like Gamescom or ECC Warsaw. I know that all Malunoo, Extinkt and
Angush are great players and I will try my best to meet their
expectations and bring Curse the best results. Cheer for us in upcoming

Lineup Curse.EU

Flagge Vytautas ‚Extinkt‘ Melinauskas     AP carry
se Tobias ‚Malunoo‘ Magnusson     Jungle
Flagge Aurimas ‚Angush‘ Gedvilas     Top lane
pl Jakub ‚Creaton‘ Grzegorzewski     AD carry
pl Piort ‚SuperAZE‘ Prokop     Support

Michael Decker